Myrrh Essential Oil User Guide: Benefits, Uses, & DIY Ideas (2024)

Myrrh essential oil is a naturally derived botanical essence, extracted from the resin of the Commiphora myrrha tree. It has a warm, earthy aroma and is often used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

The oil has been historically used for thousands of years in Christian traditions, Greek mythology, and ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, with some studies demonstrating potential therapeutic benefits.

Table Of Contents

  1. Myrrh Essential Oil ORAC Value:
  2. Myrrh Essential Oil Health Benefits
    • Myrrh Essential Oil Scientific And Medical Studies
  3. Myrrh Essential Oil Uses
    • Essential Oils That Blend Well With Myrrh Essential Oil
    • Member-Favorite DIY Myrrh Essential Oil Blends
  4. Myrrh Essential Oil Substitute Ideas
  5. Mentions of Myrrh Essential Oil in the Bible
  6. Frequently Asked Questions about Myrrh Essential Oil
    • Don't see an answer to the question you have about myrrh essential oil?
  7. More Articles Including Myrrh Essential Oil

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. Nothing on this page has been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is not intended to provide medical advice for any health condition, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Myrrh Essential Oil ORAC Value:

The ORAC value of myrrh essential oil has been reported to measure up to 312,800 μmolTE/100g, demonstrating a potent antioxidant activity.

ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity,” developed by USDA researchers to tell you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. It is a measurement method to note the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals, which are molecules responsible for aging and various diseases.

Myrrh Essential Oil Health Benefits

Myrrh essential oil is a volatile oil derived from the resin of certain species of the genus Commiphora, commonly known as myrrh trees. It is composed primarily of sesquiterpenoid compounds, including α- and β-elemene, caryophyllene oxide, furanodiene, and cyclic sesquiterpenoids such as α- and ß-bisabolene.

Myrrh essential oil has been the subject of numerous scientific studies (listed below) and investigations, resulting in a wealth of evidence that suggests a wide range of potential beneficial effects.

This oleo-resin, derived from the Commiphora myrrha tree, is believed to provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that could potentially be applied to various therapeutic settings. Additionally, research has demonstrated its efficacy as an analgesic and antifungal agent.

** PLEASE NOTE ** Don't be fooled by clever marketing. Not all essential oils are created equally. Make sure you're not wasting your money on fake or altered essential oils (even if they're labeled as “pure essential oil”). Don't miss our explosive report outlining the dirty little secrets of the essential oil industry to ensure you're not wasting your money on brands of oils that legally mislead you through deceitful marketing practices.

Myrrh Essential Oil Scientific And Medical Studies

There are numerous studies found on myrrh essential oil, whether you're searching on NIH (National Institute of Health) or Google Scholar.

** Please note, none of these studies discloses which brand is used in the study, nor do any endorse any particular brand.

Below listed are the studies I've seen and become the most excited about:

A study found burning myrrh and frankincense incense to serve as an air purifier, reducing airborne bacterial counts by 68% (Source).

Myrrh mouthwash may enhance wound healing during the early period after tooth extraction. (Source)

In test-tube studies, myrrh oil showed strong results tested against several strains of infectious bacteria, including ones that are drug-resistant (Source,Source 2,Source 3,Source 4, Source 5).

One test-tube study shows myrrh oil, at a low dilution of 0.1%, killed dormant Lyme disease bacteria, which can persist in some people after antibiotic treatment and continue to cause illness (Source).

In 2017, scientists published a study suggesting that frankincense and myrrh may help relieve neuropathic pain (Source).

A test-tube study of human skin cells found that an essential oil blend containing myrrh helped heal wounds (Source).

Another study noted that myrrh and other essential oils added to baths helped new mothers heal skin wounds from vagin*l deliveries (Source).

Myrrh Essential Oil Uses

  1. May help increase appetite… perfect for holiday feasts
  2. Dilute with your favorite carrier oil and rub over your belly to help decrease flatulence
  3. Add to your favorite skincare or DIY skincare to help reduce cracks in your skin
  4. Oil cleansing – wash your face using a blend of castor oil, jojoba oil, frankincense, myrrh, and lavender.
  5. Make a homemade glow serum for your skin (perfect for your face, dry hands, dry feet, and anywhere on your body that needs some extra love)
  6. Make a homemade face mask to hydrate and love on your skin
  7. Make your own homemade night serum in a 2oz dropper bottle with 1 drop of myrrh, 10 drops of frankincense (ideally, boswellia sacra), and filled the rest of the way with jojoba oil
  8. Include in your favorite skincare to decrease the appearance of wrinkles
  9. Diffuse or dilute and apply to chakra points to enhance meditation, yoga, or prayer
  10. Include a few drops in a steamy bath to enjoy its relaxing aroma.
  11. Use to make your homemade Proverbs-Inspired Linen Spray
  12. Diffuse throughout your home for a unique and calming aroma.
  13. Add a few drops to your shampoo or scalp treatment to enjoy the oil’s moisturizing benefits.
  14. Layer in order Myrrh, Frankincense, Idaho Grand Fir, and Copaiba for swelling of the gum after dental surgery to help support natural healing
  15. Support your liver functioning
  16. Support your thyroid and hormones by massaging myrrh essential oil (diluted) over your neck
  17. Add a few drops to your sitz bath after having a baby to promote healing and relieve discomfort

Before any topical use of myrrh oil, be sure to dilute it with your favorite carrier oil. I encourage my clients to dilute one drop of myrrh essential oil to a pea-size amount or more of carrier oil.

You should dilute one drop of myrrh oil per one ml of carrier oil, at a minimum. Before applying on a large area, do a small patch test first. If it irritates your skin, you didn't dilute enough and should add more carrier oil.

A carrier oil can be any cold-pressed, seed-based oil (ideally organic and unrefined). This includes most cooking oil, like coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil. Personally, we LOVE using sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, and the V6 Carrier oil (made by Young Living). This is the best way to dilute your essential oils for topical use.

Essential Oils That Blend Well With Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh essential oil blends especially well with frankincense, lavender, patchouli, sandalwood, spice, and citrus oils.

Member-Favorite DIY Myrrh Essential Oil Blends

  • Spring Diffuser Blend: 2 drops each of geranium and myrrh essential oils and 3 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • Winter Diffuser Blend: 3 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops each of cedarwood, frankincense, and myrrh essential oils
  • Heavenly Gift Diffuser Blend: 2 drops each of frankincense, myrrh, and tangerine (tangerine may be substituted with mandarin)
  • Harmonious Diffuser Blend: 2 drops each of myrrh and helichrysum essential oils with 1 drop of cypress

Myrrh Essential Oil Substitute Ideas

“Hey Nicole! I don’t have Myrrh, but I’d love to use these recipes anyways, what can I use in its place???”

A good substitute for myrrh essential oil with a similar aroma and function in DIY blends includes frankincense, sandalwood, vetiver,and copaiba.

If you're not worried about the aroma factor, patchouli or helichrysum may also be a suitable substitute in DIY recipes.

Mentions of Myrrh Essential Oil in the Bible

The first mention of Myrrh in scripture was in Genesis 37 when Joseph was sold into slavery. This selling into slavery with Myrrh traders resulted in the Nation of Israel relocating to Egypt. It is referenced throughout the Bible in Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and finally again in Revelation.

We find that Biblically this oil is mentioned for all kinds of ailments.

  • Exodus 30:23: It was an ingredient for the Holy Anointing Oil – extremely purifying and cleansing
  • Esther 2:12: Part of a 6-month purification process to prepare Esther to marry the king.
  • Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17, Song of Solomon 1:13, 4:14, 5:13: All used as an aromatic perfume
  • Song of Solomon 3:6, 4:6: As an incense
  • Song of Solomon 5:5: As an ointment
  • Song of Solomon 5:1: For spices to be eaten
  • Matthew 2:11: A gift for Mary and Joseph at Jesus’s birth
  • Mark 15:23: A mixture with wine, given to those being crucified. Most likely for purification reasons for those dying.
  • John 19:39: Part of Christ’s burial preparations and ritual.

People during biblical times were well aware of the extreme VALUE of this essential oil. Used for many ailments and to keep things pure and clean.

Frequently Asked Questions about Myrrh Essential Oil

Is Myrrh Essential Oil Safe To Ingest?

Yes, in very small amounts, IF you're using pure myrrh oil that isn't adulterated in any way (be sure you trust your supplier).

Is myrrh essential oil safe to use while pregnant?

Myrrh should be used very cautiously (if at all) while pregnant.

I don't recommend using myrrh without being under the care of an aromatherapist, herbalist, naturopath, or other natural-minded medical professional unless you're very well-versed in what you're doing. There are other oils you could use instead.

If you're using oils while pregnant, I highly recommend this reference guide. It contains some great advice for using essential oils while pregnant, plus some DIY Recipes you'll love too.

Is myrrh essential oil safe for kids or babies?

Please only use myrrh essential oil on or around children over 6. For children under 12, be sure to dilute more than normal before using topically.

While essential oils may be safe for kids to use, please do not have your child use an essential oil internally as a supplement without being under the direct guidance of a naturopathic doctor.

Also, keep in mind that myrrh essential oil is very concentrated. It is best to keep it out of the reach of children, and stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Can you be allergic to myrrh essential oil?

There are a few reasons why you would experience an allergy-like reaction to essential oils. Usually, this is caused by not diluting the oil you're applying (or not diluting it enough). Please refer to our essential oils and allergies article for more in-depth information.

Is myrrh essential oil safe for dogs and cats?

Myrrh essential oil is safe to use with your dogs. It can also be used with cats, but please do not use myrrh oil on your cat without being supervised by a natural or holistic vet, or an animal aromatherapist or herbalist.

If you're using essential oils around your family pets, be sure to allow them to access out of the room and into a room where you're not diffusing. This way they're able to escape when they feel they've had enough.

Please also consider picking up a reference guide specific to using essential oils with animals. There are also reference guides specific to Young Living's oils too.

How often should you use myrrh essential oil?

Whether or not to use myrrh essential oil is also a personal question. This depends on what you're using it for and how experienced you are using it.

For beginners, I recommend only diffusing for 30 minutes at a time, then giving your body an hour break. If you diffuse too much, you could end up lightheaded.

Personally, I have a diffuser running most of the day intermittently (using the intermittent setting on our diffuser). Or I'll wear a piece of diffusing jewelry with 3 drops of oil on it throughout the day (those 3 drops usually last a few days). Check out our article about diffusing essential oils safely for more info.

Should you use myrrh essential oil if you're taking medication?

You may want to avoid using myrrh essential oil if you're taking diabetic medication.

Myrrh may potentially decrease blood sugar. Taking myrrh along with diabetes medications could potentially cause your blood sugar to drop too low.

If you decide to use myrrh, be sure to monitor your blood sugar closely, and talk with your doctor about your medication dosage and whether it may need to be changed.

This is a very personal question, and really depends on which medications you're taking. I have an entire article dedicated to known medication contraindications that I highly recommend you check out… in addition to having a lengthy conversation with your local aromatherapist or pharmacist.

Where do you purchase myrrh essential oil?

We purchase our myrrh oil from Young Living because they set a higher standard for essential oil production than what I've found throughout the rest of the industry.

Their farm-to-table type of approach and testing at every phase of their farming, distillation, and bottling processes has proven to me time and time again to be the closest thing out there to buying from your local farmer or DIYing the oil yourself, only better with their 25+ years of continual research and improvement. I also love their transparency, and how they open their farms so you can see for yourself (or involve yourself in the process).

Don't see an answer to the question you have about myrrh essential oil?

Have a question you don't see about myrrh essential oil? You're welcome to ask in the comments or fill out this form to ask anonymously.

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Don't miss out on free essential oils, discounts on essential oil-infused household products, and healthy lifestyle coaching! Join our membership today for product discounts, group support, and complimentary coaching. Or take our complimentary online, self-paced introduction to essential oils course.

Looking for more info about essential oils and adopting a healthier lifestyle? Be sure to check out our Healthy Home online course for tips on how to identify and replace common harmful products from your home.

Myrrh Essential Oil User Guide: Benefits, Uses, & DIY Ideas (8)

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Myrrh Essential Oil User Guide: Benefits, Uses, & DIY Ideas (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.