Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (2024)

May 19, 2016

Yes, it is I. Marc Hershon, your host and HenryMiller Aeron Desk Chair for Epi133 of Succotash, theComedy Podcast Podcast. And if you’re having trouble recognizingthe voice, that’s because it’s been about THREE damn weeks since Ilast dropped an installment.

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (1)Sorry about that.

I’ll keep striving to get better about it. I’dbe lying if didn’t say a few clicks on the old Donate button up atour homesite,, wouldn’thelp motivate me.

Of if someone besides Henderson’s Pants wantedto help sponsor that show, that would be a bit of all right aswell.


I wanted to let listeners who might be in rangeof Los Angeles, California, on Saturday June 11th, that I will bemoderating a very cool event — Dana Carvey’s veryfirst podcast. His OWN podcast, that is, which he’ll be doing withhis two sons, Dex, andTom.

You might recall they joined me back in earlyFebruary for our very first LIVE Succotash show. And theyliked the experience so much that the Carveys have decided to bustout their very own show. I don’t know what it’s to be calledyet but I was flattered to be asked to be the moderator for thekickoff show on June 11th.

And, who knows, maybe if I behave myself, maybemore after that.

It’s going to be at the Comedy Lab nextto the Improv in West Hollywood and that’s all I know. Not surewhether you can buy advance tickets or what. Best I can suggestuntil I know more is to keep checking in at andclick on the link to the calendar.


Another thing I have started trying out isusing a new app called SpareMin. It allows folks to call other folksback when they want to and with a five minute time limit. So Ithought I might be a fun alternative to our Succotash Hotlinebecause, rather than leaving a voicemail, you use the app to sendme a request and when I have time to chat, I call youback.

The app automatically records the call, which Ican then play back right here on the show. So check it out. It’scalled SpareMin and you can download it from the Apple app storeand I think the version for Android phones is live now,too.


Okay. Enough about me. Let’s talk about whatI’ve got for YOU. This is a Succotash Clips episodeand I have to mainly thank our erstwhile Associate Producer,Tyson Saner, for supplying the bulk of the clipswe have on tap for you this time around.

We also have one that was submitted by apodcaster by using our upload link, at even I did a little work in the clip department…but notmuch.

All in all, we’re featuring clips fromAwesome Etiquette, Chillpak Hollywood Hour,The Late Show – Tonight’s Watch, Obsessed withJoseph Scrimshaw, Savage Henry, the Schmoozecast,Secret Skin, The Slant, and Wisecrackin’ withWinter. In addition to the clippage we’re featuring adouble dose of our celebrated Burst O’ Durst segment withpolitical comedian and social commentator Will Durst.

I also have some exciting news about Mr. Durst:He going to be on Succotash! Not just in his usual short, 2-minutesBursties of Dursties. Oh, no. Our very next installment ofSuccotash Chats will feature my face-to-face interviewwith Will that I held a couple of weeks ago in the green room atthe storied Punchline Comedy Club in downtown SanFrancisco.

Our own Mr. Saner has also supplied us with oneof his amazing pieces of music made up of bits and clips from apodcast, Off YerFeet featuring Todd Glass along withNick Thune. And Tyson also supplied us with abrand new instrumental track to play under out Celebration ofThanks coming up near the end of the show. (YOu can check out allof his amazing tunage over atSoundCloud.)

This installment of Succotash isbrought to you by Henderson's new BeavertailJeans.


Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (2)Chillpak Hollywood Hour
Hard to believe butour friends in podcast — Dean Haglund andPhil Leirness, the hosts of Chillpak HollywoodHour — just kicked off their 10th year of changing the way youlisten to the internet, as well as providing middle to high classentertainment for those with the ears to hear it. I’m happy toannounce that sometime during Year 9, our false feud came to an endand so we can, once again, bring you a taste of theChill…

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (3)SecretSkin
Secret Skin
is partofthe Infinite Guest network of podcasts, hosted by musician and sometimes comedianMike Eagle. Mike and his guest usually poke aroundbehind the scenes of the hip-hop world. But recently his guest wascomedian Nick Thune, and they got into a lot oftopics — why Nick gave up one-liners and his guitar onstage to talkabout who Jesus would want to hang out with if he was around today,and embarrassing stories. Nick shares the somewhat disgraceful wayhe ended his career as a car salesman, and Mike shares a story soembarrassing that, until now, he’s only told four people. And nowyo, once youlisten.

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (4)AwesomeEtiquette
Itseems like Awesome Etiquetteis actually hosted by a couple of folks withsome manners in their DNA. Lizzie Post andDaniel Post Senning are with the Emily PostInstitute and, for those of you who as so gauche as to not know,Emily Post literately wrote the book on manner andetiquette in 1922. Both hosts don’t have Post in their names byamazing coincidence – it turns out they are the great greatgrandchildren of the Grand Dame of Manners.

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (5)TheSlantOur next clip comes directly from thepodcasters themselves. They uploaded this to us at our directupload site, at I wish they’d sent a little more background. They have a Libsynsite and a Facebook page and a Twitter account and — don’t get mewrong, The Slant is constantly retweeting our stuff andthey are very supportive — but I just don’t know that much aboutthem. I know that the ringleader is someone named Sal. And there’sLisa, and Ant, and Christine. There may be more, I can’ttell.

The LateShow — Tonight’sWatch
What I love most about podcasting is thatpretty much anything goes. And I do mean anything. There'sa spin-off podcast from The Late Show with StephenCobert called Tonight’s Watch. Hosted byDuncan (and hisguest, Maester Text-To-Speech, inthis episode),It’s a ostensibly a weekly update about HBO’s Game OfThrones series but…well, you just have to hear it foryourself. (And it's shouldn't be confused with theactualToNight's WatchGOT-followingpodcast…ormaybe itshould.)

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (6)Wisecrackin’ WithWinter
Our Associate Producerhas unearthed yet another podcast I’ve never heard of, calledWisecrackin’ With Winter. It features MikeWinter, who, according to the podcast’s About page: …bringdecades of entertainment experience, including television, radio,and live performances, in his commentary on topics ranging from:challenges of doing stand-up at Ebola clinics, how to win shot adrinking contest with an Authoritarian Dictator, debating theseverity of erectile dysfunction (after athletes abuse steroids foryears), to trying to figure out how to re-purpose the thousands ofdiscarded jerseys of disgraced football players. What does that allmean? I’m not sure.

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (7)TheSchmoozecast
Comedian BarryWeintraub has been working hard to resurrect the ComedyUSA name (formerly the title of his national comedy magazine) inseveral ways. One of those is a comedy podcast called TheSchmoozecast. He’s been recording in a sound booth that hasbeen built at Comic Strip Live in New York and recently he had anepisode featuring comedian John Mulrooney. John’sa great guy who’s still working today but, when he’s not doingcomedy gigs, he works as a patrolman for the Coxsackie Police Department in upstate NewYork. You can only find episodes of The Schmoozecast and that’s about it — Barry has yet to master how toget the show up on iTunes. But he will – he’s a very determinedfellow.

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (8)Savage Henry MagazineRadio Program
There's a humor magazinein Arcata, which is in Humboldt County, California, calledSavage Henry and, once every couple of weeks, theowner/editor Chris Durant puts out a podcastcalled the Savage Henry Magazine Radio Program. In theshow that Tyson snagged this clip from, he’s joined by “special”co-host Matt Redbeard and guest, comedianDash Kwiatkowski.

Obsessed with JosephScrimshaw
Got a note fromSarah Meyer, who does press for the podcastObsessed with Joseph Scrimshaw. She says “Hi there, Meagain! 'Obsessed' put out a special Hamilton episode today— I thought I’d send the press release along since you were sohelpful back in March! :) If you wanted to feature a clip onSuccotash, or write a review for the Huffington Post, that would beamazing! Thanks so much! Sarah.” Thanks for the note, Sarah! Notsure about HuffPo yet but you got a clip on, featuring hostJoseph Scrimshaw and his guests Paul &Storm, and Emma Fyffe

Thanks for reading this blog and(hopefully) listening to the actual podcast. Please take afew moments to rate and review us up on iTunes, and visit ourhomesite at where youcan read the blog post that goes with this very episode, buysomething from our Succotashery, click our Donate button and give us money, or use theAmazon banner at the top of the page to do your Amazon shoppingwhich helps us out, too.

Don’t forget to pass theSuccotash!

— Marc Hershon

Succotash: Succotash Clips Epi133: Gettin' To It Late…Again (2024)
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